Friday, June 28, 2013

I was amused by this article on i09 by Meredith Woerner: 'What would the newsstands look like if the Avengers were real'?

I love Hawkeye's casual sprawl on the New Yorker, compared to Tony's businesslike pose:

Friends have quibbled: how do we imagine a world in which S.H.I.E.L.D.  exists, and is publicly known?  In which it isn't just the Avengers and Nick Fury who know Bruce Banner is the Hulk?

Well, hey, it's just another alternate reality, with another set of challenges and concerns. I have no problem with that.

Thor should be there, too, with his red cape and big smile. Or his helmeted scowl and hammer.

My favourite: the In Touch cover that has Hawkeye and Black Widow dating.  Does that mean I'm a Natasha/Clint shipper?  Naw, of course not.  Not really.  Hardly.  Well, only a little.  Or... maybe.  Frankly, I wish Black Widow and Daredevil still wanted each other.  But I can cope.

These days, I can't help being more of a Clint/Kate shipper. Fraction and Aja, what have you done to me?

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